Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Pics from the li'l sis

Jinah the inlaw brought her camera to the recent Rocketship party/signing. She took many pictures. I will show some of them to you now. You will enjoy them. Perhaps you will comment below! Or you will link. It is up to you.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you have a comic signing:

People love great comics.

Anders Nilson: human signing machine!

Oh, my hand, it hurts so much . . .


Sammy Harkham basks in the attention of the adoring public. No, you may not touch the beard!

Belle of the Ball?

Kevin Huizenga signs for infrequent blogger Brant.

So how do you pronounce your last name?

Bloggas always be talkin' shit! (The best part was when many of the attending bloggers circled around Heidi and curried for her favor like some medieval court.)

Don't step to bloggas lest you want a nasty post aimed at you!

This was the first meeting of the Rocketship No Boys Allowed! club.

Joe Rice is dreamy!


Beer monsters were always trying to take my beer.

Amy saw the monsters, too.

Comics and fashion: like the internet and complaining, natural partners

TCJ + Vogue

Overall, everyone gave it a big, happy Dave Yeah!

Fuck Yeah!